
Srei Foundation is a Public Charitable Trust which was founded in the year 2001 with a vision of creating a world free of struggle and poverty, filled with happiness, peace, prosperity and good health. SREI Foundation emphasis as its mission, “Service to Humanity”, by providing medical assistance, educational support, healthy sanitation, developing hospitals, schools, medical centres, etc.

Srei Foundation extends monetary grants and other assistance to NGOs, beneficiaries, cooperatives, philanthropies, and such others who can be suitable partners in implementing projects for social welfare across the sectors.

Its philosophy, “Service to the society has always been and will be the guiding star of life”. Further, during spiritual fares the Foundation voluntarily distributes clothes and food among the commuters as a regular practice. The Trust is committed to contributing towards programs that will lead to sustainable outcomes and impacts for the global community. To achieve these goals, it invests resources by strategically partnering with non-profits and non-government organizations (NGO) that have demonstrated expertise and ability to magnify positive outcomes through action.

Since its inception, the trust has continuously pursued its objective through promotion of education (academic, technical and moral), health, housing, socio-economic support and awakening/empowering women, free holistic treatments and assistance to various NGOs in their respective causes.

With major emphasis on underserved population & communities the foundation also supports setting up of schools, colleges, and medical and scientific research institutions along with extended opportunities to deserving students for preliminary and higher education through various channels. It has created a Srei Scholarship Fund for the Sanskrit learning programme which was initiated in collaboration with Boston University.

It has tied up with various social bodies to help the meritorious students from the economically weaker sections of the society for further studies. While treading the path of virtuous giving, the foundation has extended its services to certain universities offshore for different causes. To support the cause of building social institutions, advance loan was provided for construction of houses, marriage of poor girls, and other social essentials. Amidst changing perception and shifting paradigms in the practices of social service, Srei Foundation has embarked upon the voyage of motivating people to cultivate and integrate the inner values and the outer being, to discern the love of family, of humanity and the world, and to view them as one in a journey towards happiness and service. This can only be possible by bringing the attention of people to the universal language of love, compassion and humanity, walking the path of righteousness and imbibing the essence of humane values, and our rich culture and religious heritage.

The foundation has created a platform – World Confluence of Humanity, Power & Spirituality – to communicate this message to the mankind. Every year through this platform a wide variety of disciplines and personages represent different streams of thoughts and subjects with the intention to include all facets of psycho-physical and intellectual activity that have a bearing on the enrichment of human existence and awareness of the core meaning and purpose of life. In last 9 years, 11 World Confluences of Humanity, Power & Spirituality have been organized, which were bedazzled by the presence of eminent people from different walks of life and were applauded by dignitaries around the world. This confluence is not religion oriented. Emphatically it is for humanity, peace, harmony and happiness.

Besides directly taking up socially and spiritually sustainable initiatives individually, Srei Foundation also extends facilitation & support to various businesses of Srei and its group companies to drive their CSR initiatives independently (along with the identified clusters such as education & skills development, health, development through spirituality and also other emerging areas with scope of development). The members of Srei Universe, along with the surrounding communities and institutions, internalize this perspective. The foundation will be proactively engaged with the corporate employees, customers and communities.

The Acid Survivors and Women Welfare Foundation (formerly Acid Survivors Foundation India) was established in 2010. ASWWF, an initiative of Kanoria Foundation, has since expanded its scope and range of services to support survivors of all forms of violence and atrocities against women, including trafficking and domestic violence.

ASWWF works towards the development and welfare of women. It acts as a forum for advocacy of acid related cases and promotes a social environment conducive to elimination of gender violence. ASWWF espouses a firm legal basis for prosecution of offenders. It also advocates for prescription of national guidelines for treatment, aftercare and rehabilitation of acid survivors and other survivors. ASWWF operates through a network of offices pan India. The Foundation has plans to open more chapters and offices to further enhance the outreach of its mission to rebuild the lives of all women survivors.